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7 Steps to the Laws of Attraction



Have you seen "The Secret"? It's a movie that tries to explain the laws of attraction. Although it isn't real, the laws of attraction are and this movie has made people sit up and think about it, take notice of what they have ad don't have and what they really want. This is single biggest law in the universe. It has been around since time began and will be around for as long as there is life. Learning it isn't a 5 minute job so here are the 7 most important steps to understanding and using the laws of attraction.

1. Realization. This is the most important step to understanding the laws of attraction. Once you realise that this is what has been governing your life all along you will have the power to change your life and push it in any direction you want. Realise that every sing thing that has happened to you in life is because you have attracted it, either by intention or by accident.

2. Goals. Having clear and specific goals is paramount to success in the laws of attraction. If you don't focus on what you want you will not get it, simple as that. Make sure your goals are achievable and attainable though. Wild thoughts can only bring misery.

3. Visualize. You have to be able to see your goals. If you want to be rich, think and see yourself as a rich person. If you want that promotion, see yourself in that position. If you can't see it then it isn't there and you won't get it.

4. Act. Once you have focused your thoughts and visualized them, it's time to act. Make things happen. Nobody is going to give you a promotion if you don't apply for it. The perfect partner will not suddenly appear at your door. You must make these things happen but, if you are in the right, positive frame of mind, these things will start to happen to and for you.

5. High Vibration. Sounds a little suspect right? Not really. Think about it this way. Everything vibrates, every particle in the universe, and at different frequencies. Even your thoughts do. The laws of attraction state that things that vibrate at the same frequency will be attracted to each other. Positive thought and focus keep you in a state of high vibration, making your goals much more attainable.

6. Sharing. Always share your goals with other people, especially likeminded people. The power of positive thought is massive, way beyond any of our imaginations and, the more people you involve, the more who want you to achieve your goals, the more positive thought there will be. And this can only be good.

7. Repeat. The laws of attraction are not a one off process. They must be repeated and repeated, constantly and continually. This may be difficult to start with but believe, because the more good things that happen to you the easier it will become.

Are you looking for more information regarding Laws of Attraction? Visit http://secretunveil.com today!


  • Author (ผู้แต่ง) : Johnathan Cunnings
  • Category (หมวด) : Self Help
  • Keywords (คำค้นหา) : positive thought, attraction state, specific goals,
  • Posted (วันที่) : December 13, 2012 (00:00:52)
  • Viewer (จำนวนผู้ชม) : 6,141
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